5 Ways your Small Town Church can Impact your Community


Small Church Cover Front copyMaking a difference for Christ in a small town should be easier than we make it out to be. Often we find it easier to make excuses than to find inroads to connecting with our neighbors.  “People just don’t care about church anymore!”  “The new generation just wants to be entertained!”

I hear it all the time as I speak with pastors and leaders in the rural churches I visit. It is rare that I hear they are looking in the mirror at their own efforts.  It is not a sign of compromise to find new ways to be a neighbor to those in our little towns and villages.  In fact, the small church is better suited for doing this than a much larger congregation.

Here are five ways your church can impact your community right now, and they won’t have a big impact on your budget or already thin resources.

  1. Do what you do best.  Don’t try to be the little church that does everything. Discover what your church does better than any other church in the community and do that a lot! If your town has a dozen places that make pizza, the last thing you want to do is be a pizza restaurant. What is it that your church is known for? What are the gifts and graces of the body of Christ that meets in your building? Figure that out and be the best at it.
  2. Avoid having “church” only events.  Many of the small churches I’ve met with have annual “church” events. Whether it’s the annual bean dinner, Fall Homecoming, or the Ice Cream Social, find new ways to invite the community to participate in it. There should rarely be a church event that doesn’t open the door for someone new to come and meet you and the Jesus you all love. Retool it, rename it, revamp it; but change it to invite the community as part of it.
  3. Communicate everything.  Is there something going on at your church? A special musical group, a children’s program, a new small group? Then say it. Say it in as many ways and through as many forums as you can. Get your community saying, “There’s always something going on at that church!” With the power of social media, instant print facilities, and the internet there is no reason you can’t create an irresistible environment for the community. Get the creatives in your church busy finding new ways to express the great things happening at your church and in your community.
  4. Invest in people.  The greatest investment you can make is the one you make in people. Talking to, listening to, caring for, praying with, and encouraging others is a deposit into the bank of relationships. God created us to be in community with one another because we need one another. When guests visit your church, spend time getting to know them. Develop people that have potential to be great in the Kingdom work of your church. Create future leaders that will do great things.
  5.  Be relevant – Jesus was.  There’s an old expression that says “some people are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.” Truth is great, but truth without next steps is legalism. Those that are seeking a relationship with Christ need to know what to do next. We can only do that when we are relevant. As we see the interactions Jesus had with others we see how He was always about moving people into a closer relationship with their heavenly Father. Even when He criticized the Pharisees for their legalistic practices, He pointed them to the way they should respond. Many people in your community would fall in love with Jesus if you would show them the relevant Christ instead of the one you talk about in church.

Small town and rural churches are perfectly positioned to make a significant difference in the little places they are part of. Find a way to put some of these practices in play and begin a new chapter for your church.

Pastor Sam Peters is a writer, chef, public speaker, entrepreneur, husband, father and grandfather. He and his wife Joyce live in Southern Ohio.  He has served in a variety of ministry capacities since 1982 and is currently a Licensed Local Pastor with the United Methodist Church.

He is passionate about making disciples for Jesus Christ and helping followers grow in His grace and knowledge.

For other books written by Pastor Sam go to www.lulu.com or other fine online bookstores and search by Sam Peters.